
by Amanda Quick

From a magnificent ballroom ablaze with lights to an imposing country house steeped in shadows comes a breathtaking tale of an impetuous miss--and a passion that leads to peril...

At five and twenty, Prudence Merryweather knew very well tht risks a woman took by visiting a gentleman in the dead of night. But bearding the notorious Earl of Angelstone in his den was the only way to stop him from engaging her hot-headed brother in a duel. And that was why she found herself ushered into Sebastian's frobidding presence at three int the morning--and thoroughly kissed before dawn.

She was a country-bred innocent--and an intriguing experience for a man who dwelt more in the shadows than in the sunshine. Yet as her boldness drew Prue into one dangerous episode after another, Sebastian found himself torn between a raging hunger to possess her and a driving need to protect her.

SiNgUrL's Review:

It was an easy read but it was good. Just enough details to read and keep me reading to the end.

I like the relationship between Prudence and Angelstone. How they both handled their work and balanced it with their emotions and everything around them.

Trust and Faith was one of the best things they possessed for each other whoch kept the story on the right track.


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